Where is Riverview Bancorp, Inc.'s common stock listed?
Our common stock is listed on the NASDAQ under the symbol
For more detailed stock information, please visit our
Stock Information page.
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Does Riverview Bancorp, Inc. pay a Dividend?
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Who are the Market Makers for Riverview Bancorp, Inc.'s Stock?
Click here to see a list of our
Market Makers and their contact information.
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How can I receive Email alerts from Riverview Bancorp, Inc.?
To sign up for Email alerts on our Events, Documents, Press Releases and closing stock price information click here to visit our
Email Notification page.
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How can I request additional information from Riverview Bancorp, Inc.?
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Are Riverview Community Bank deposit accounts FDIC insured?
Yes! All funds in a 'non-interest-bearing transaction account' are insured in full by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation from December 31, 2010, through December 31, 2012. This temporary unlimited coverage is in addition to, and separate from, the coverage of at least $250,000 available to depositors under the FDIC's general deposit insurance rules.
The term 'noninterest-bearing transaction account' includes a traditional checking account or demand deposit account on which the insured depository institution pays no interest. It also includes Interest on Lawyers Trust Accounts ('IOLTAs'). It does not include other accounts, such as traditional checking or demand deposit accounts that may earn interest, NOW accounts, and money-market deposit accounts.
For more information about temporary FDIC insurance coverage of transaction accounts, visit
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How do I set up Direct Deposit of my payroll check?
After your Riverview Community Bank checking application has been approved, you will receive Riverview Community Bank's routing and transit number and your account number. If your employer participates in a direct deposit program, simply provide this information to the human resources or payroll department at your company, and your direct deposit will usually begin within thirty days
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How do I set up Direct Deposit of my Social Security check?
After your Riverview Community Bank checking application has been approved, you will receive Riverview Community Bank's routing and transit number and your
account number. Simply contact us and we will assist you in contacting the Social Security Administration.
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